
Pens Power Platform

Implementing Copresence in Canvas Apps using the new Avatar Modern Control

Introduction A new modern control has appeared in Power Apps authoring version 3.24051.23 (16/05/2024) called Avatar. The new Avatar control in Canvas Apps provides the ability to show a users image and presence, however, the control is static and not connected to your presence. Here what it can provide with a little bit of help: Real-Time Interaction: It allows users to see others’ availability, aiding in immediate communication and teamwork.

Get the HEX color code from an RGBA() value in Power Apps

How to convert a Power Apps RGBA() value to HEX.

Paging Large Datasets in Canvas Apps

Working with datasets of more than 2000 records. Example 2 - Paging large Dataverse tables in the PowerCat Creator Kit Fluent Details List Component.

Examples of how to work with collections and datasources with more than the 2000 delegation limit

Paging Large Datasets in Canvas Apps

Working with datasets of more than 2000 records. Example 1 - Paging large collections in a gallery.

Examples of how to work with collections and datasources with more than the 2000 delegation limit

Power Fx Color Functions Deep Dive

Manipulating colors in Canvas apps using Power Fx.

Working with color's in Canvas Apps using my Power Fx Color-Functions.