Implementing Copresence in Canvas Apps using the new Avatar Modern Control

Posted by pen on Thursday, May 16, 2024
Reading Time: 3 mins



A new modern control has appeared in Power Apps authoring version 3.24051.23 (16/05/2024) called Avatar. The new Avatar control in Canvas Apps provides the ability to show a users image and presence, however, the control is static and not connected to your presence.

Here what it can provide with a little bit of help:

  • Real-Time Interaction: It allows users to see others’ availability, aiding in immediate communication and teamwork.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Presence indicators make apps more interactive and aware of user context, like showing if a team member is online.
  • Coordinated Actions: Users can coordinate chats or meetings more effectively by knowing when others are available.
  • Visibility: In shared environments, presence indicators clarify who else is working with the same data, improving collaboration.

This feature is inspired by Microsoft 365 and Power Apps Studio’s co-authoring capabilities and uses the new Avatar modern control for implementation.

Step 1 - Create a App Registration for accessing the Graph

First up we need to create an Entra App Registration so we can talk to the Microsoft Graph to return a users presence.

Go to –> Applications –> App Registrations and create new.

New App Reg

Give you app reg a name, in this example I have just called it Presence and click Register

Next goto API Permissions and add the delegated permissions as shown:

New App Reg Permissions

add the same Application permissions and then grant admin consent, your permissions should look like the following:

New App Reg Permissions

Next goto Certificates and secrets and create a new Client Secret, give the secret a description and choose the length of expiration and click create.

Copy the Value of the secret we will need that in our custom connector and also copy the client id from from the overview page.

Step 2 - Create and test the Custom Connector

Goto, navigate to the correct Environment and create a new custom connector.

General Tab

New Custom Connector

Update the host to and click next:

Security Tab

New Custom Connector

Select OAuth 2.0 and select Azure Active Director as the Identity provider.

Add your Client ID and Secret.

For the authoization URL use

Tenant ID leave as Common.

Resource URL add

Scope add

Now Save or Update the Connector to create the Redirect URL we will need in the next step so once saved copy this URL.

Update App Registration with the Return URL

Go back to your app registrion in Entra and on the overview page under Redirect URIs click Add a redirect URI click on Add a platform and choose Web

Enter the redirect URL from the custom connector and click Configure

New Custom Connector

Definition Tab

In this example we will create a single action to get a user’s presence.


Add a new Action: Under General add:

Column Value
Summary GetUserPresence
Operation ID getUserPresence

Under Request click Import from sample,

Column Value
Verb Get
New Custom Connector

Click import.

Under Response, click on Default and then Import from sample and add the following

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#users('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')/presence/$entity",
  "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "availability": "Available",
  "activity": "Available",
  "statusMessage": null,
  "outOfOfficeSettings": {
    "message": null,
    "isOutOfOffice": false

Click Import and Update the Connector.

New Custom Connector

Go to 6.Test

Get your user Id from Entra. Create a Connection and add the Id and click Test Operation

New Custom Connector

Step 3 - Create the Canvas App to show Presence in the Avatar control

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